Welcome to The Marigold Royale
The Marigold Royale provides extra-care accommodation which promotes and retains people's independence and life style in a home environment for those who are now finding it difficult to live independently.
Here we will encourage and support people to look for ways to build social skills and reconnect with others, as this can be rewarding and can help tremendously to improve a person's general wellbeing.
We have a friendly attitude towards people, who are always made to feel welcome and cared for.
Here at the Marigold Royale we encourage independence, by supporting people in a way that maintains their dignity and self-esteem, we will also help you to connect with important services in our local community.
About Us
Philosophy of Care
We believe that every individual has physical, psychological, spiritual and socio-cultural needs and these needs continue to be experienced throughout life. We promote the independence of people and their rights to freedom and choice.
What We Do
The Marigold Royale supports people to live independently and promotes independence and social well-being to enhance people's everyday lives within the security and privacy of their own apartment, with their own front door.
We provide a range of activities where residents can join like minded people and interact with the local community if they so choose.
All meals are provided, prepared and served by our qualified chef, with a menu that promotes a varied choice of nutritional and dietary needs. meals may be consumed in the apartment or taken in the communal dining room.
We employ a House Manager who is responsible for the day to day running of the Supported Living accommodation and who liaises with organizations that provide care support. The Manager can offer information, guidance and day to day support no matter how big or small.
- Weekly music and entertainment
- Coffee mornings and social gatherings to include people who live in close proximity to The Marigold Royale
- Exercise classes
- Quiz nights
- Day excursions
- IT support
The Marigold Royale consists of 14 apartments most of which comprise of a Living Room, Bedroom and En-suite, with a communal Sun lounge, Dining Room, Kitchenette and Laundry Room. Each apartment has its own video call system which provides a secure environment and only allows those you wish to see enter the building.
Our Fire Alarm System is fully zoned with each apartment having a smoke detection monitor installed. In addition the system is linked to Wight Care, so in the event of the alarm being sounded when staff are not on duty, they will be automatically informed and will respond accordingly by contacting the Fire Service if necessary.
We have a 4 person lift together with stair lifts to service the first floor area.
The Marigold Royale works in partnership with an in-house Domiciliary Provider, Empathy Care IOW, Ltd who will assist or arrange any care requirements you or anyone in the local community may have. This is an optional service available to you and the community at large.
We also subscribe to Wight Care, an Island based monitoring provider who will supply each of our residents with either a Pendant or Wrist Band to activate in the event of an emergency. This monitoring system once activated sends a signal to Wight Care who will respond accordingly by either contacting the emergency services, our staff or a dedicated family member as appropriate. It will also enable them to speak with the resident via the audio link in the apparatus and is available 24/7.
This service will also operate when the staff are not on duty, ensuring that our residents safety is assured at all times.
We also utilise the services of a weekly Hairdresser, yearly Optician and a six weekly Chiropodist.
Our Team
Jenny is the proprietor and has twenty years experience in the Care Business and is involved in the day to day aspects of providing a quality caring environment for our residents.
She holds an NVQ4 in business management and is on hand to offer advice and assistance to our residents whenever it is required.

Sarah is the House Manager and has fifteen years experience in care, holding different roles including Senior Head of Care, Deputy Manager and registered Manager of a Care Home. She excelled in these roles enjoying the challenges of building and maintaining relationships within the local community and with health and social care professionals.
She is passionate about health and social care and has earned the respect of all the professionals she has had dealings with over the years. Her aim is to constantly strive to build and improve the services available within the community. She holds a level 4 in Health and Social Care including Leadership and Management, which combined with her knowledge, experience and drive makes her an asset to The Marigold Royale.

Contact Us
Telephone: 01983 611 531 E-mail:
Please feel free to contact us regarding any query you may have or complete the enquiry form and we will respond by return.